I started shooting film on my mom’s Nikon FE2 when I was twelve years old. Wild herpetofauna (i.e. reptiles and amphibians) have been a fascination of mine from the age of five and have always been the primary focus of my photographic endeavors. Initially I made images of the herpetofauna I encountered to document my findings. As my technical competency expanded so did my desire to create more compelling images. My hope is that my images act as conduit to dialogue about reptiles and amphibians, the threats they face, their importance in maintaining healthy ecosystems, and how we can cohabitate with and conserve them.
Reptiles and amphibians, particularly snakes, frequently fall victim to exaggerated and unconscious fears. I have found that my photography supplements my conversations about their value and inoffensive nature with proof that you can share space with even the most feared venomous snake without the need to kill them. In the worst case scenario this challenges previously held myths and superstitions; in the best case scenario it creates a new appreciation and understanding. The latter is always the goal with my images.
In early 2021 I began doing underwater photography in pursuit of one image. Since then my passion for underwater photography has evolved into an obsession, particularly for freshwater life.
All animals in my images are wild and left unharmed in the wild, unless taken for further scientific study with permits and in accordance with local laws and regulations.
All images are under copyright but are available for purchase either as prints or through commercial licensing. Please contact me for more information.
Check back regularly for new images.